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A new eggplant recipe with Parmesan crust

eggplant recipe

A new eggplant recipe! When you begin to believe there are no other ways to cook eggplant, there comes a simple recipe you’d never seen before.

This eggplant recipe seemed too simple for me and I was a little bit doubtful when I first tried it. Well, it IS simple, but also very tasty and it is that kind of recipe that fits any meal. You can prepare it as a side, as a part of buffet lunch, or even add some mozzarella and tomato sauce and put back some minutes in the oven until the mozzarella melts…to have an alternative eggplant parmesan… without frying!

eggplant recipe

I prepared them with both types of eggplant: the common and the purple one. I believe the purple one is better in this case, even if my son didn’t find a difference; -D.

I found this recipe on a blog I like so much, Alexandra’s kitchen. I have prepared some of Alexandra’s recipes with much success, such as the ricotta cheesecake.


  • 2 purple eggplants
  • ½ cup breadcrumbs
  • ¼ cup flour
  • 2 to 3 eggs
  • 1½ cup of grated Parmesan cheese


  1. Wash the eggplants and cut them in slices.
  2. Put them into a colander and spread some salt on them to help lose some water. Half an hour should be enough.
  3. Turn on the oven to 200°C/ 396°F.
  4. Take a baking tray and cover it with parchment paper.
  5. In a plate mix the flour with breadcrumbs.
  6. In another one lightly beat the eggs.
  7. Take each slice of eggplant and pass them onto the flour and breadcrumb mixture, then into the eggs and finish with Parmesan, putting them on the baking tray.
  8. I do not add another salt, but it is up to your taste.
  9. Bake them for 20 to 30 minutes, until golden, turning them upside down during baking.
  10. Buon appetito!

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