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Mushroom and avocado canapé

mushroom and avocado

Have you ever thought about preparing a mushroom and avocado canapé? I didn’t.

Who knows why we often think about matching vocado with salmon or dressing it as guacamole. The idea to pair mushrooms with avocado, sincerely, never crossed my mind before.

I saw a photo somewhere on the Internet. Unfortunately I didn’t save it – but the idea remained in my mind so that I decided to invent the recipe to realize it.

mushroom and avocado

Prepare these mushrooms and avocado canapé is very easy. The longest part is to peel the mushroom chapel – but if you don’t peel it, it is even quicker.


  • whole wheat bread
  • 1 avocado
  • 1 pound champignon mushrooms (or similar)
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 onion
  • 1 garlic clove
  • salt
  • pepper


  1. Peel the mushrooms, eliminate the stem and slice them.
  2. In a deep pan, add oil and turn on medium gas.
  3. Add thinly sliced onion and minced garlic.
  4. Cook until onion softens and then add mushrooms.
  5. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  6. Cook, stirring often, until mushrooms are cooked.
  7. Cut bread in slices of 1/2 in. and toast them.
  8. Smash avocado with a fork and add salt and pepper.
  9. Right before serving, spread some smashed avocado on each slice of bread and add some mushrooms on top with some freshly grated pepper.
  10. Buon appetito!

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