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Zucchini and Eggs Baskets

zucchini and eggs

I love this zucchini and eggs baskets recipe. It is tasty, beautiful, easy to prepare and… light.

I admit I wasn’t that confident when I first tried it, and it completely amazed me. Such a simple mix of simple ingredients can give such a cute and tasty result.

I found this recipe in a Brazilian Instagram profile called CozinhaFitFat, what I immediately supposed was related with healthy and fit eating. I was not that confident because, often, the light recipes lack of taste. We know that fat adds taste. I keep trying to find good recipes that, for me, are the real good ones, those that are tasty with little fat. As it is so good, since I have found it I have prepared it many times.

Here in Italy I can’t find sliced smoked turkey breast, so I use the regular one. I believe it can be even better with the smoked one.

Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 6
    • 6 slices of turkey breast
    • 1/2 medium zucchini
    • 4 to 5 eggs
    • 1 to 2 Tbsp of extra virgin olive oil
    • 1/2 cup sliced cheese (gruyere or the one you prefer)
    • salt
    • oregano
    • pepper
  1. Turn on the oven to 400°F.
  2. Wash, clean and cut the zucchini in small cubes.
  3. In a bowl, beat the eggs adding salt, pepper and oregano. Add the cheese you have cut in thin cubes and mix it all well.
  4. Grease a 6 muffin tin with cooking spray or butter.
  5. Line each cavity with a slice of turkey – it is going to be the basket.
  6. Divide the zucchini amongst the six baskets and pour the eggs mixture over it, dividing it amongst the six baskets.
  7. Bake for about 20 minutes or until fluffy and golden.
  8. Buon appetito!

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